Waffle Weave Towels - Embrace the Waffle!

Looking for WaffleTowels.com? You're in the right place! We've merged with GildenTree.com, and all of our amazing towels are here.
Loving all things waffle, we opened sister sites WaffleWeave.com and WaffleTowels.com, offering a range of waffle weave products from lots of manufacturers.
But the Gilden Tree brand towels and robes consistently sold more than any other brand, and eventually we decided to focus on the items that have people have loved the most.
Now, we've brought everything together on one site - with new images and updated info - making it easier to find what you need, with a fast, easy checkout!
All the towels you've loved are here - and we've got some sets, gifts and special offers not available anywhere else.