Foot Scrubber Counterfeit Product - March 2024
Counterfeit Seller: CIZMARK. (seller has also gone by the seller name: farmers’ carft) Seller's Store:
Counterfeit ASIN: B0CV4L4BCX
Our Amazon listing is:
Test Order ID: 113-0470260-6916217
The seller has made a faulty counterfeit product and is selling it under our product detail page. We have already received bad customer reviews because the counterfeit product is not up to the quality and standards that the product listing displays and what the customer expects to receive.
The bad review can be seen here:
We know this is not our product that the customer received and reviewed because of the video the customer posted showing the packaging the product came in. Our product is packaged in a cardboard box for safe shipping, not bubble wrap as shown in the video.
We also know that this is a counterfeit product because of the test order we placed. You can see the comparison of our product to the counterfeit product below.
We'd like to request that this seller's listing be removed from our product detail page to ensure customers no longer receive a faulty counterfeit product.