Blueberry Sugar Scrub

Blueberries are here for such a fleeting moment in time! Save a few beautiful blueberries and let their natural anti-oxidant powers work magic on your skin. All you need is a little sugar, a few berries and a little milk!
Berries contain vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin E, and milk contains Lactic Acid, a natural AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) that helps prevent wrinkles and helps improve the look and feel of skin.
1 cup sugar (raw sugar that's a little coarser works best)
1/4 fresh or frozen blueberries, crushed
1 Tbsp milk or almond milk
Mix crushed blueberries and milk in a small bowl. Keep sugar in a separate bowl. (If you mix the sugar and berries ahead of time, a lot of the sugar will dissolve.)
In the shower, scoop a handful of sugar into one hand, and add a dollop of the berry/milk mix. Gently scrub all over and let sit for just a few moments before you rinse it off.
Your skin will look and smell wonderful!