Healthy Toenails & Cuticles - The Dos and Don’ts

Even if you can only occasionally get in for a professional pedicure, it’s fairly simple to have healthier, prettier toenails and cuticles. Just moisturize regularly, cut nails correctly and be gentle with your cuticles. Read Six Top Tips for Healthier Cuticles for a great summary.
But what is the right way to cut toenails? Diana Rodriguez has some helpful Tips for Cutting Toenails. Find out how good toenail cutting techniques can help your nails to be their best, and how to avoid problems like ingrown toenails.
Already have problems with ingrown toenails? Read Cleveland Clinic's excellent article on How to Treat and Prevent Ingrown Toenails.
For really superior moisturizing, try our amazing 12% Shea Butter Skin Repair Cream.
Then just follow the advice from these experts and in no time - your toenails and cuticles will be healthy and beautiful!